Thursday, July 8, 2010

Benefit of riding bike by Prof. Froböse

Here are the results of interviews with Prof. Froböse and team at the Center of Health of the Sports Academy of Cologne, Germany, quoted from

Backache, often caused by back pain usually results directly by the lack of exercise. With lack of exercise will cause the discs (records) on the backbone are not getting nourishment supply (nutrition) in the optimum so the ability of records had to be changed and once when burdened with heavy work rather then the records had not been able and cause pain. By bicycle will be able to overcome this problem, first, physical exercise that will continually help restore the ability of the following discs supply "food" to an optimal return. Second, the large muscles in your back become stronger so that it can assist the work of the spine. So cycling is also able to stabilize the backbone performance.

Knee junction, a common cause of knee pain is usually due to damage to the cartilage / young. Excessive pressure sambunagn located on the knee, for example due to jogging, or too fat, obstruct or refuse the supply of nutrients to the cartilage. Consequently cartilage becomes weak and deteriorating. Beginning of the damage / knee pain during which the valuable minerals can not enter the cartilage. Since cartilage is not blooded so valuable minerals can not enter the cartilage. Movement on the junction to the knee can push cartilage nutrition. Cycling is one way to exercise the least pressure on the knee and the best way to strengthen the cartilage.

Heart and cardiovascular system, heart is the only "motor" us and for that reason we should really take care of him. Symptoms of stress and hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) as an example, causing damaging effects on the heart and produce high blood pressure. This will result in someone having a heart attack. Cycling will improve overall blood circulation. Most important is the heart will work more economically because the pumping performance becomes more efficient thus reducing the overall blood pressure and heart disease risk mungarangi.

Immune system, infection is the main cause of your absence from your work place;). One of several reasons is the lack of effective performance of the immune system that cause allergic reactions and inability to fight the flu and fever. Cycling can improve quality by allowing the body's immune system to protect itself from viruses and bacteria. Cycling is a sport which method has the most beneficial for strengthening the immune system.

It's cheap, can relieve stress also makes it more physically healthy and strong.

So, still in doubt by bike?

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